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BSA Troop 633
Santa Cruz, CA
Welcome to Troop 633
Thank you for visiting the Troop 633 website. Here you will learn about the Scouts BSA program and Troop 633.
Scouting Teaches Valuable Skills
Scouting teaches leadership skills, communication and team-building skills, outdoor and survival skills...
3/4 of Scouting is Outing!
Troop 633 consistently goes on camping outings almost every month of the year
Scouts Advance through the Ranks...
With Troop 633, Scouting provides great opportunities for those wishing to pursue advancement. While we're proud of our Eagle Scouts; we recognize that the majority of the scouts are involved for the fun and adventure that comes with scouting. We strive to provide a positive scouting experience for our scouts at every level.
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