Dear Parents:
Welcome to Troop 633. We hope that your son's journey through Scouting will be a
rewarding and enjoyable experience. You will see your son grow in many ways and he
will receive a wider range of opportunities and experiences than is available in other
youth organizations while still having fun.
The aim of Scouts BSA is to build character, foster citizenship, and develop moral and
physical fitness. We use the outdoors to teach the boys to share responsibilities and to
live with one another. This is where the skills learned and practiced during the meetings
are utilized. If you ask the boys why they want to be in Scouts, a majority will answer that they want to go hiking or camping. Scouting uses this interest in the outdoors to help them learn independence, gain self-confidence in themselves, and learn to appreciate the world we share.
I have been the Scoutmaster of Troop 633 since 1983. I have been active in Scouts all of my life starting as a Cub in Pack 638 located in Live Oak. I joined Troop 633 in 1972 and obtained the rank of Eagle in 1979. I currently participate in the Order of the Arrow as a Vigil member in Saklan Lodge 970. I also belong to Explorer Post 699 (PICO Post) and Post 531 (Dance team advisor). I reside in Felton with my lovely and charming wife Tami, and sons Branden and Benjamin.
Boy Scout troops are different from Cub Scouts in that the troops are run by the boys. While parents are always welcome on camping trips, they are only along for the fun. They get to sit back and relax while the boys and adult leaders take care of everything! However all parents are strongly encouraged and need to be involved in the Parent Committee's monthly meetings and act as guides and advisors. Parents also are necessary to drive on trips to and from events. Additionally, you will be asked to serve on the Troop Committee Board of Review and teach any special skills you may have to the boys.
Since Boy Scouting is a different experience from Cubbing, many boys may go though an adjustment period before fully appreciating the new position. I ask that each new Scout give the troop a one year commitment before making a decision whether to stay in Scouting or not. Boy Scouting teaches independence but parental support is vital to create a successful and active Troop. We look forward to an exciting and rewarding career with your son!
Scott Caldwell, Scoutmaster